
Barnard founder 安妮·内森·迈耶 and her sister, 莫德内森, debate the question of women’s suffrage

By 路易斯·伯尼科,61年


安妮·内森·迈耶 & 莫德内森

在纽约市,赋予妇女投票权的斗争有时就像一场内战. 这座城市如此之大,如此多样化,以至于那些勇敢的女性带着肥皂箱冒险进入公共场所, 越来越多的人聚集在第五大道和各区的大街上游行, incited intense opposition from former friends and neighbors. 家庭内部也是如此.

内森的, Sephardic Jews (Jews whose ancestry hailed from what is now Spain and Portugal), had American roots reaching back to the founding of the Virginia colony. 到19世纪末, they were an elite New York institution, 有一个家庭建立的犹太教堂, 证券交易所的席位, and prominent members like poet Emma Lazarus, future Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo, 和安妮·内森·迈耶, founder of the city’s first liberal arts college for women—十大电竞游戏综合排名.

“I think Maudie will be pleased that I did so well,” wrote Meyer soon after Barnard’s official opening. 莫迪就是莫德·内森, 大五岁, who 大概 was pleased in September 1889, 但谁很快就会出现, 公开, 作为安妮的主要对手. Maud was in favor of votes for women; 安妮 was against it.

在英格兰, 艾米琳·潘克赫斯特和一场包括许多工人阶级妇女在内的运动正在进行大规模的, 有时候暴力, 街头示威. Americans were horrified, but Maud defended them:

“While the suffragettes were quiet and well behaved, members of the House of Commons paid no attention to them. 只有当妇女们模仿男人吵闹的方法时,人们才开始认真考虑平等选举权的问题.”

安妮和她家里的其他人一样,反对妇女选举权的想法. 尽管她认为女性应该获得与男性相同的教育,这一信念是不可动摇的, it did not lead her to embrace political equality. 她忽略了莫德作为犹太妇女全国委员会成员的活动,以及她坚持认为对“正义”的渴望是他们宗教的宗旨. 安妮对这种想法嗤之以鼻, 正如一些妇女参政论者所说, women’s “moral superiority” would clean up the corrupt public sphere. 她憎恶暴徒和在美国流行起来的妇女参政主义者的“吵闹方法”. “Your methods,” she wrote, “are utterly abhorrent to me.”

Back and forth they went, in print and from podiums, over the years. 莫德在州议会和国际选举会议上发表了讲话,克服了在第五大道游行的不情愿. She turned down pleas to take national office in suffrage groups, but as president of the Consumers’ League of the City of New York, penned the article “Women Who Work and Women Who Spend,“利用钱包的力量来改革服装工业和百货公司中工作妇女的不卫生和压迫条件.

1911年5月,莫德参加了选举权游行,安妮世界十大电子游戏平台发表了反对选举权的言论. 听到《安妮》,14岁的伊菲吉妮·奥克斯·苏兹伯格立即“跑出去报名参加选举权”.Virginia Gildersleeve, 1999年, 十大电竞游戏综合排名的新院长, urged student participation in politics, 《十大电竞游戏综合排名公报》(Barnard Bulletin)刊登了参加选举权游行的说明.

Barnard was then developing an honor roll of suffrage activists. 1999年的爱丽丝·杜尔·米勒(Alice Duer Miller)就这个话题写得很机智,并与丈夫一起发表了公开演讲. Harriet Burton Laidlaw ’02 ran the Manhattan campaign; Helen Rogers Reid ’03 was state treasurer; Adele Lewisohn ’03 rode horseback with her sister at the head of a Fifth Avenue parade; Mabel Pollitzer ’06 organized in South Carolina; Freda Kirchwey ’15 sold suffrage newspapers on the streets. It swayed her not; 安妮 attributed reports of student interest in the movement to “overzealous propagandists or a shrewd press agent.” She became chairman of the euphemistically titled College Committee, National League for the Civic Education of Women, while Maud was established as the country’s most prominent Jewish suffragist.

该隐和亚伯投下了长长的影子. Our history is full of near mythic tales of brother against brother, 内战中黑人对美国佬, landowners’ sons competing for ranch deeds in the Wild West. 当姐妹们摆好架势, 外人通常认为这场争论是国内的,焦点是一个男人. 内森姐妹在历史学家的笔下受到了一定程度的贬低,他们形容她们陷入了“兄弟姐妹竞争”的网中.”安妮, 在这个简化的版本中, 是嫉妒她姐姐的突出地位,并采取反对立场作为吸引注意的一种方式.

Think instead of two different roads taken. Maud was born in 1862 and 安妮 in 1867. Their Sephardic Jewish ancestors made them, 据安妮说, “the nearest approach to royalty in the United States.“随着女孩们长大, while the so-called woman suffrage movement was idling, their own lives were swept up in a tornado. 华尔街的金融灾难让这个家庭——安妮称她的股票经纪人父亲为“赌徒”——从上流社会的稳固生活中被放逐. 在威斯康星州的格林湾., where there was only one other Jewish family, Maud described her mother as “transplanted to an obscure village life, surrounded by strangers who would look at her askance, as though she were from another world.”

安妮 was protected from the “askance” looks—and, 大概, from a taste of bigotry—because she stayed home, 由她母亲辅导, while Maud met the world in public school. 混乱随之而来:父亲离开了, mother tried and failed to make a life in Chicago, 然后自杀了. 女孩们回到纽约,先是去找外祖父,然后去找任性的父亲.

很快, 莫德嫁给了弗雷德里克·内森, 一个年长的, 经济稳定的表亲, in an elegant ceremony at Shearith Israel, 家族创立的犹太教堂. The wedding was prominently covered in The New York Times; the couple departed for a long European trip. 安妮, 替她父亲看家, devoted herself to intellectual pursuits, 包括创建一个以记者的“对话”为模型的阅读圈, 评论家, and women’s rights advocate Margaret Fuller had started among women in Boston. 她父亲担心一个聪明的女孩找不到丈夫,但她证明他错了.

Alfred Meyer, Columbia alumnus and pulmonologist at Mt. Sinai hospital (formerly called the Jews Hospital), was an assimilated German Jew and a man entirely devoted to science. 在1887年与安妮·内森(安妮 Nathan)的婚礼上,他要求拉比“不要做太多祈祷”.没过多久,弗朗索瓦太太就来了. 迈耶离开了Shearith Israel,加入了新成立的非宗派的纽约伦理文化协会. This was not the act of a meek woman submitting to her husband’s authority, 而是, 接下来发生的事情说明了这一点, the gesture of someone who had found her soul mate. 她的丈夫支持, 无论是情感上还是经济上, the campaign that resulted in the founding of 十大电竞游戏综合排名.

阿尔弗雷德·迈耶的医疗事业蒸蒸日上. He became a leader in the treatment of tuberculosis, 在20世纪早期达到了惊人的比例,并使不成比例的犹太人遭受了苦难. These were not the Park Avenue Jews like the Meyers’ circle, 而是东欧移民聚集在下东区的廉价公寓里. Outbreaks of TB further stigmatized its inhabitants, 他们的存在——以及他们激进的政治——让迈耶夫妇感到不安,以至于他们成为了限制移民的倡导者.

迈耶支持妻子的写作,因为她在20世纪20年代创作的戏剧中危险地探讨了种族主题,并在20世纪30年代希特勒上台后与反犹太主义进行了长期的对抗. 在哥伦比亚大学(哥伦比亚大学)校长尼古拉斯·巴特勒(Nicholas Butler)的领导下,安妮曾抗议自己被排除在典礼之外,并抗议最小化的做法,她的丈夫和妹妹也都支持她, 在她看来, of her central role as Barnard’s founder.

莫德·内森走了一条不同的道路. 直到1895年十大电竞游戏综合排名开业六年后,她一直过着传统的上流社会生活. 那一年,她唯一的孩子,7岁的安妮特去世了,莫德悲痛欲绝. 她的朋友, 慈善家约瑟芬·肖·洛厄尔, proposed as a remedy that Maud involve herself in “a cause.莫德成了一名改革者, 首先是妇女的工作条件,然后是所有美国妇女投票权所代表的政治平等. 当她回顾这一人生转折时,她会认为这是一次从无用的精英休闲到有意义的工作的转变. Frederick Nathan also became an activist for women. 他与哲学家约翰·杜威、激进作家马克斯·伊士曼等人组成了一个男子联盟. When the men stepped out together into a suffrage parade, thousands of onlookers hooted at them in derision; they were gender traitors.

妇女选举权问题在1917年的纽约州公投和1920年的宪法修正案中得到了解决. 在那之后,分裂的房子似乎找到了一种和平共处的方式, 尤其是在第二次世界大战临近的时候. 作为童年创伤的幸存者, complex and articulate women with ideas of their own, 安妮和莫德·内森是, 最后, well pleased with each other as sisters. 


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